My Halloween wasn't nearly as exciting as Graham's, but it had it's moments. First, I got to stay in bed till almost 10 a.m. Therefore I started the day in a very good mood. (Bonus for my kids). I made doughnuts while watching Scott carve the most awesome jack-o-lantern ever. (Yes, that's it to the side there). Then I watched Scott eat a five scoop ice cream cone. I don't know why. Its like we didn't think the kids were going to get enough sugar in the next couple of weeks. They had to have ice cream, too. Then, of course, there was the actual getting into costumes and trick-or-treating. I was on duty this year, while Scott stayed home to hand out candy. It was quite entertaining watching my four kids race from house to house. After every door, my littlest would come to me and say things like, "I got lots of candy, Mom! I better eat my candy at my house." And, "I have to hurry to my friends, Mom." Her friends are her brothers and sister. I find it hilarious that she calls them her friends. Kind of like how she calls Scott 'her daddy friend'. She's just cute like that. So that was it. We trick-or-treated till they couldn't hold their pillowcases anymore. Then we went home and the gorging began.
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